My daughter LOVES pancakes. Loves them. Let's just safely say I've made hundreds of pancakes over her 13 year life span. The other day she decided to cook some herself. It became quite the learning lesson as I taught her how to control the heat of the pan and watch for the "bubbles" to show when they were ready to be flipped.
Flipping pancakes too early doesn't really work, and causes a mess as they break. Turning up the heat doesn't necessarily cook them any faster, just leads to burnt ones. Too cool and they don't have the nice brown coloring. There is a fine art in timing pancakes, and it's worth the attention and the wait to make them right.
Which leads me to think about how many other things in life are just the same way. Why do we push and hurry and worry? Maybe if we focused more on watching and finding the right timing, and less on getting something done we'd enjoy ourselves and experience much better results.