Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Time to Remember

"I think it's God giving us some sunshine in the midst of the rain, Mom." says my daughter, Natalie. 

We had just opened an envelope with $50 in it. A surprise blessing. Of course it was Him. He has a way of pouring out His love and goodness in ways that capture my heart over and over again. 

And while, the money was timely for us and greatly appreciated; I think there was a bit more that the gift did for us. It reminded us of our Heavenly Father who is constantly watching over our lives and caring for us tenderly through our difficult times. It also reminded us of the people around us who love and care for us, who offer their lives as an incarnational reflection of Jesus here on the earth. 

"The Lord is for me among those who help me." Psalm 118:7

As we approach the Thanksgiving season, may we take time to remember Him and those around us who have shown us great love. And may we be an offering of His love to the people around us. 

Quite possibly, this is the greatest gift you will ever receive and the most worthy calling you will ever live. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Heaven's Embrace

Eden. A picture of God's design for us. One of life, beauty, friendship, fruitfulness and purpose. Heaven on earth. The good life we all innately long for. 

As we know, this earthly paradise was marred & broken by sin; and no longer habitable by humankind. And before we get too uptight and angry at Adam & Eve, let's consider this... 

"We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It's a wonder God didn't lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us." Ephesians 2:3-4 

As you read on in Ephesians, we see what the embrace of Heaven means:
  • life in Christ
  • adoption as sons & daughters
  • grace and kindness
  • peace
  • seating with Christ in heavenly places
  • an invitation to join in His work
  • a place in his family 
  • glorious power
  • explorations of heights, depths, lengths, and widths of his immense love
And the list goes on and on. Read it yourself! 

Now, back to Eden. It would seem to me, that Jesus brought Heaven to earth once again. And while it is not a physical garden to live in; he now creates Eden in our hearts. 

Life, beauty, goodness, friendships & purpose.. the good life is not something out of reach. And as we see here, not something we attain or reach anyway. It's a surrender to heaven's embrace. A big hug from your Creator that makes all things right. 

Where do you desire Heaven's embrace today? 

Need kindness, peace or power? Open up your heart to Him and feel the warmth of His enormous hug around you. 

May you find that Eden is right here within you.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't Go It Alone

“I do believe; help my unbelief.” 
Words spoken from a desperate father seeking a miracle for his son in Mark 9:24. 

Ever been there? You believe, and simultaneously shutter with unbelief. Usually occurs right in the moment when a miracle is needed most. We desperately try to hold it all together. And the more we grasp for it, the more we realize how much we fall short and it slips through our fingers. We believe; yet we don't. 

The quandary of faith is a wrestling match and seldom won alone. I've found that many times when I'm at my weakest; it's a friend's faith that pulls me through, not my own. Maybe I'm the only one who is fiercely independent and buys into the ridiculously proud idea that somehow I'll be able to perfect myself enough to believe on my own every time. And maybe at times I think my world is small enough to go at it alone, and why should I bother others with it. 

Whatever the reasons, in my wrestling matches I discover over and over again one simple truth.... My greatest strength lies not within me, but within the community surrounding me.

Living life at it's best is one where you have what you need, when you need it. At the critical times, that most often comes through the hands, words, and love of good friends. Cultivate those friendships, and be there for them when they need you too.