Monday, January 22, 2018

Our Story

Photo by on Unsplash
As you listen to the young, you will hear a lot of dreams. The hope of marrying and having a family. The hope of a career that is meaningful and enjoyable. The hope of being known for their contributions to others. The list goes on... all good; and sometimes a little starry-eyed.   

I remember my own imaginations as a young person and how vividly I was writing my story in my mind. In my 20’s I lived some of my dreams and some were dashed in tragedy. It was a challenge to reconcile my hopes with reality and to hold both. 

My first invitation was to surrender my story and to let God talk with me about his story. 

Albeit hard at times, it turned out to be a very promising season as I let go and let God be the author. He showed me his love that was never going to fail me and comforted me in his faithful presence. He opened to me new spaces and goodness from unexpected places. I lived here for several years; and then something began to shift. 

The Lord began to talk to me about living our story. 

He took me to Psalm 139, and he showed me his presence creating and designing me for such a life as this. He told me that I had everything I needed to be all that I was called to be and more. It’s not that my story was wrong, it was just too small. 

My new invitation is to live our story. 

As this unfolds, I’ve found a sweet companionship with the Lord. The playfulness of an intimate friend. The tender care of a Good Shepherd. The challenge of trusting an untame God. 

I’m also experiencing a new richness in my relationships in the Body of Christ. I don’t have to be it all, know it all, do it all. I’ve been blessed to live out life in a community, where together we are all God’s story, past, present and future. 

I am living the same story of Moses, Ruth, and Esther. I am living a story with fellow believers who all contribute to the manifestation of his glory and honor through our lives together. I am living a story that will continue to be written by my daughter and the generations yet to come. 

When God invites us to surrender, it’s not because our dreams are wrong or because he is some giant cosmic killjoy. It’s because there’s something so much more he wants to give us.

May you find the joy of living our story

Monday, January 1, 2018

Sealed Orders

< : Sealed Orders : >
written orders or instructions that are not to be looked at until a specified time, especially orders that are given in sealed form to a commander of a vessel to be opened after the vessel is out of contact with the shore. 

< : Faith : >
never knows where it is being led, or it would not be faith. 
True faith is content to travel under sealed orders. 
J Oswald Sanders 

< : A Challenging Invitation : >
 Walking with Jesus is the best, scariest place to live.
It's the adventure our souls cry out for.
It's the risk that demands we follow without fully knowing the plan.

< : A Forever Promise : >
 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding. 
 Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6