Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pretty Amazing

I am your example; keep doing what I do. John 13:15

Just a little over two weeks ago I closed on the sale of my condo and began the process of moving to our new home. Note the word 'process', as that is surely what it's been.

We have done amazing work in this time. Thoroughly washing down walls, woodwork, and windows, removing carpet, thick painted over wallpaper and all the glue as well as a '70's planter box in the living room, priming and painting all the ceilings and walls, changing outlet covers, installing new flooring, and even mowed the lawn three times. Still some odds and ends to do; like moving the furniture from the garage into the house and I imagine our home project list will be full for the rest of the summer. 

As I experience the transformation of this smoke-filled yellowish home into our beautiful home sweet home, I am well aware of how blessed I am to have such wonderful people in my life. I can't even imagine an undertaking of this size without the army of people it has taken who have sacrificed their time, muscles, and thinking into making this dream a reality. My count has us at 30 people coming alongside to serve us, not counting the people hired to do work. 

Pretty amazing.

I am in awe of people's generous labor of love and sweat on our behalf. A humbling moment that brings me to the story of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. This is what these people have done for me, following Jesus' instructions - 'I am your example; keep doing what I do.' 

Thank you. You all are pretty amazing.

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