A Beautiful Tapestry
Have you ever read a book that you found yourself in the story? I experienced this in a deep way as I recently read The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd.
It is a story of suffering and persecution which turns into redemption and hope as two young women learn to love, find their voices, and fight for freedom. The experiences they have weave a beautiful tapestry of the Serenity Prayer:
- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
- The courage to change the things I can,
- And the wisdom to know the difference.
The longer I live, the more I see people struggle in holding the tension between the polarized points of acceptance and change. All too often, it is one or the other as we grasp at making sense in life and having control. I admire the people who embrace wisdom and understand that it is a combination of both in most all of our experiences that bring the greatest good forth in our lives.
Living your best life is knowing when to surrender and accept; and when to be courageous and act. It is being able to keep a grip on both at the same time as we journey, grow, and relate to others.
How about you? How do you need to experience the power of the Serenity Prayer?
As you stand at the threshold of a New Year, consider:
- Where have I given up and let resignation into my life?
- Where have I allowed myself to become bitter and cut off a relationship?
- Where am I driven and afraid to really accept the truth?
- Where am I living 'all or nothing' and not holding the tension of both acceptance and change?
- Where are my blind spots?
May you find the same love, voice, and freedom awakened in your heart as you take the time to reflect and do the deep inner work in your life.
Let's live a deep, rich, awesome 2016.
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