Monday, August 4, 2014

Get 'em at the Roots!

As a child growing up on a farm, I learned the important task of "weeding". Whether it was out in Mom's large vegetable garden or walking the rows of soybeans in the field, I spent many hot summer hours; and even earned my first paychecks, by weeding.

We were instructed on how to identify the plants that didn't belong and how to get rid of them... preferably by pulling them up by the roots if possible. We did carry hoes and bean hooks to cut out the ones that we weren't strong enough to pull. These tools were sharp and to be used carefully. I have the scar from early stitches to prove that lesson.

Definitely not as exciting as the spring planting or fall harvesting; it was clear, summer weeding was an essential part of growth, harvest, and caring for the land. It wasn't something we could wait to get inspired to do, or we'd never had done it.

I think our lives... relationships, career, family, health, finances, and purpose... are a lot like those gardens and fields. There is a lot we plant and hope to harvest. What I wonder today, is are we taking the necessary time to "weed" in between those seasons?

Couple of things I do know about weeds - first, it's funny how they usually grow faster than the plants, and are pretty identifiable; and secondly, they are easier to take care of when they are small.

Take 10 minutes to consider what needs weeded in your life today. With consistent care, you can nurture growth and harvest in every area and live your life at its best!

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