Monday, January 11, 2016

Starting Point to the Tipping Point

Life is a series of starting points. From the most simple skills we learned early on - tying our shoes and brushing our teeth, to the more complex task of learning a musical instrument or sport, to making a presentation at work.  

For everything we do, there is a starting point. Driven by need or desire, we take a first action step into the frontier of the unknown. 

The starting point can be a fairly significant and emotional threshold. Some of our more risky first’s were accompanied by a blast of adrenaline and nervousness that has forever etched the event into our memory. Other first’s were less than motivating and maybe included groans, sigh’s and expressions like, “I can’t do this…” Either way, we had to push through to action in reaching our goal.

The launchpad of all starting points is raw grit and determination. “Just do it.”

At some point in the process of learning, we gain familiarity, comfort and skills to accomplish the goal. No longer do we need the extra time, deodorant, and pep talks to do it. We’re comfortable.

And then what? Most of us quit. Yep. The goal becomes the ending point, rather than the tipping point. Our accomplishments become a lounge chair rather than a launch pad. Our growth and development stagnates in the marsh of mediocrity. Yikes!

Reaching a tipping point is accessible to all of us. With intentionality, development, and a strong spirit, we can move our skills from good to great, amateur to accomplished. We can live a story of adventure, breakthrough, and innovation; rather than doing the 9-5 making a livin’ to bring home the bacon.

The launchpad of all tipping points is presence, technique and creativity. “Let’s see.”

The tipping point comes through an awareness of what is beyond the stated obvious. It’s the focus and intentionality of showing up day after day with innovative processes and creativity that drives it to be something different, something more complete than it was yesterday. It is attending to ideas, removing the barriers, and coaxing the birth of the new. It is a place where you are no longer the driver of whatever “it” is; but have transformed into the playful participant of something you love.

What’s the point for you? Whatever you love, it’s worth pushing it to the tipping point.

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