Monday, March 21, 2016

Uniquely in Unity

Music is the expression of harmony in sound. Love is the expression of harmony in life. - Stephen

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to worship with a couple of extraordinary vocalists. At the end, as I led one of my favorite songs, the guitar faded out and their voices raised in harmony. The richness of their voices enveloped mine in such a beautiful and amazing way. Three distinct voices, becoming one.

There is something special about being able to hold our uniqueness and live in unity with others. It creates a harmony that transforms a simple melody into a moving moment. 

Too often, our differences drive us a part. We compare ourselves with others, who is better and who is not. We compete, fearing that we are the lesser. We call names, sometimes to others and other times to ourselves. All these become wedges that get stuck between our relationships. 

What would it take to have our differences draw us together?  A place where we accept ourselves and each other just as we are. We allow each person to express their voice. We come alongside and encourage the best in each other. We see that together, even with the misunderstandings and difference of opinions, there is more than any of us can do alone. A richness and depth no person can carry alone.

What if it meant the guitar would stop playing? Or the tempo adjusted slightly? Are we willing to sacrifice our part for the better of the whole?

Just as any good musician holds the integrity of the song above their own instrument or voice, so must we learn to hold our relationships above our own opinions and ideas. Opening ourselves to something that is more than any of us can make or do alone. While far from easy, it's so worth it.
Living in sync means putting energy into relationships and experiencing the value of togetherness. In work and play, may you find your best life is uniquely in unity. You bring your part and weave it in harmony with those around you. May you find it transforming life's simple moments into fulfilling memories and impact. 



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