Monday, April 10, 2017

Lay them down

One of my favorite worship songs is We Fall Down by Chris Tomlin. It’s a song written about Revelations 4, describing what it looks and sounds like around the throne of God in heaven. It is pretty amazing to consider that as we worship here on earth, we join the songs of heaven.

In considering the ‘crowns’ we lie down at his feet, these are often assumed to be our human accomplishments and successes… the things we are strong and proud about. And yes, they rightfully go at his feet.

The other ‘crowns’ that may be less recognized, would be as the one Jesus wore to the cross. A crown of thorns, bearing persecution and suffering… the areas we are weak and challenged in. And I’m here to let you know, they rightfully go at his feet also.

The miracle of the cross we celebrate, is laying it all down at his feet.

This Easter week, may you experience a fresh invitation to surrender yourself to his mercy and love.
And may you rise up in his resurrection power… free. Unburdened. Unrestricted. Unattached. Unworried. Living our best lives everyday in his love.  

I have loved you as the Father has loved me. Abide in my love. John 15:9

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