Monday, September 21, 2015

In His Hands

This teddy bear is a fond keepsake of mine; crafted from a little patchwork quilt my Grandma Klocke made for our baby dolls. I was one of 63 grandchildren, so I am pretty sure it swaddled many baby dolls over the years as young children played 'house'. Who knows how many adventures that quilt went on with us farm kids!

When I look at the assorted fabrics, I can't help but wonder where they all came from. Each one has a memory it lived... a dress that was worn to church, an apron that prepared the family meals, and a flannel shirt that worked the field. Maybe some was left over from making a new wedding or baby quilt. 

Sewn together the quilt tells a story of life. The joys, the heartaches, the hard-working, the laughter, tears, and a bunch of very ordinary days in between. The life we live. 

There's something amazingly beautiful when it all comes together. 

It is so in our lives as well. Every experience, moment, relationship and memory contributes to the amazing patchwork of our lives. Not one needs to be left out. Even the very ordinary or dreary shades find beauty when placed by a master quilter.

"We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan." Romans 8:28

Living our best lives is an invitation to accept every moment of our lives and to offer it to the Master Quilter. He knows how to handle the thin, worn out fabrics. He knows how to weave in the dull and darks with the bright and beautiful. Each one is held, laid out, and affirmed as an important part of the whole. Each one knit together into the story of life.

In his hands it all comes together. 


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