Monday, September 7, 2015

Tools for Living

This weekend, I enjoyed having some extra time to begin working on the overgrown jungle in my backyard. We've had a summer with delightful amounts of rain, causing all vegetation to flourish here in Iowa. Pictured here is my handy dandy Ace shovel which was invaluable at the efforts of eradicating the weeds, which were over my head in places! I was reminded again of the importance of a good tool. 

Whether you are a cook with a favorite knife, an artist with a particular paintbrush, or an editor with a must-have laptop... we all know what a good tool is in our industry... and how much of a difference they make in getting the job done well. 

What are the tools of living our lives well? 

Naturally, there are a few paths in which we could walk into this topic - from practical tools such as organization and time management to physical well-being, social and mental health. Today, I feel compelled to take a path of the heart. 

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 

If everything we do flows from it, we can quickly see the importance of caring for our hearts. So, what are the tools for heart health?
  • Love. Unearned. Just because. Acceptance. As a blanket swaddles a newborn, so love holds us close until the fears disappear and we know that everything is okay. No matter what. Everyone needs it.
  • Joy. Exuberant delight. Quiet celebrations. Purpose for the day. A song in the night. Joy is oft' as surprising as a rainbow and as charming as the birds' song in the morning sunrise. Gratitude. Tears. Laughter. Let it fill you.
  • Peace. Joy at rest. Awakened presence. All is well. With my soul. Peace is a lighthouse, the beacon to shore for weary travelers. Hope arises. Faith anchors. Sleep comes.
And tomorrow we begin again. For living well is one day at a time. For you and for all the people in your life. Your best life begins with the heart.

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