Monday, July 9, 2012

First make your habit

"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." John Dryden

You are who you have made yourself to be through repeated behaviors that have become second nature to you. You no longer have to think about it, you just do it. It's become a part of your personhood and identity. If you are like me, you have conflicting thoughts about that... in some ways I like it, and in other ways not so much. hmmm.

The good news is you can always make a new habit. Really, you can. 

One habit I'm working on this year to live my life more fully in sync is my attitude towards time. I have always had an inclination towards performance and achievement, which would lead me to be a big list-maker and schedule-keeper. While these are great tools, they are horrible task-masters. So, one habit I am working on diligently is my perspective with my to-do list and calendar, and not letting them drive me or determine my worth. They are simply the means to help me achieve my goals and live my purpose. 

As I make this one adjustment, who will I become? I can imagine I'll be a more patient and gracious person, and experience more fulfillment.

What is a habit you need in your life?

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