Sunday, July 15, 2012

Every No Has a Yes


Isaac Newton taught us that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” 

For many of us, saying "no" carries with it a negative connotation.  Even when we are using it in a positive way in our lives, we can feel the weight and sacrifice associated with it. 

What would happen if we took the time to see the "yes" in our "no"?  Would we be happier? More in sync with what we really want in life? Let's practice for a minute. 

No, I do not want dessert tonight. 
Yes, I am on my way to losing those 10 pounds and feeling great about myself again! 

No, I can't fit that in my schedule.
Yes, I get to enjoy my evening with my family!

No, I don't think this relationship is going to work out long-term.
Yes, it is worth waiting and finding that special someone who will be the best fit for me!

What is the opportunity on the other side of your no?  Go ahead... try it. 


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