Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Living Collage

Life is like a brilliant collage of colliding and overlapping events and people that somehow tell our story.  It's the 'disorder' of a collage that delights the eye of the beholder.  We find pleasure in discovering all the details of particular photos in the midst of the random display.  Each one significant on its own, yet somehow more captivating to us when surrounded by all the others.

Lately, I feel like my life is a living collage. On the one hand, filled with wonderful celebrations and joys that abound. On the other hand, sorrow and tears escape my eyes in randomness.  And then still yet, there is the very steady pace of the ordinary that keeps on keeping on.  

This is the stuff life is made of. To will only happiness, is to disallow ourselves the fullness of life. To will only excitement, is to miss the 95% of life that is uneventful.  To will for only good, is to overlook the power of having nothing, yet somehow having it all. 

To live well, one must embrace all facets of living. The celebrations, as well as the losses. The joys and  the sorrows. The high's and the low's, as well as the ordinary. 

Embrace it all and live well! 

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