Friday, March 8, 2013

Trump takes it all

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ." II Cor. 2:14

I grew up playing games, and have particularly enjoyed good card games around the table.  What I learned early on, was 'Trump takes it all'. Trump is the prevailing suit for the round, as called by the highest bidder.  When playing, it didn't matter if there were Ace's, King's and Queen's on the table - if someone played trump, even the lowest ranking card, like a 2 - would win the trick.  (I know, I know.  If you're not a card player I've long lost you with the lingo of trumps and tricks.)

The point being, having trump in your hand is a good thing.  Little trump is more powerful in play than all the high ranking cards of any other suit.

When you open your life to Jesus, you are aligning with the 'prevailing kingdom' of the world.  Your life is now "trump" and you are destined to win.  Regardless of how high or low your circumstances rank, you can rest in His presence and goodness to prevail.

Infuse this truth into your daily decisions and interactions, and enjoy the grace, peace and freedom of being His child.  

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