Friday, July 4, 2014

Lucky to be Loved

This week I have stumbled upon three pennies on the ground. I'm not superstitious; but hey - by the third one this morning, I did have to recognize it as a message trying to get through to me. What could that message be? 

Lucky to be Loved. 
That's right. My life is not happenstance or dependent on good luck. But it is filled with a great love.
As it says in Psalm 23:6, "Surely His goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..." And as a good friend prayed this verse earlier in the week, I love his interpretation: 'That means it is chasing & hounding us down'.
I believe those three pennies were a simple reminder from Jesus. He is chasing me down, surprising me with his great love over and over again. 
Aren't we lucky to be loved?


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