Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Path & the Process

How often do we want to be somewhere, but rebel against the process in getting there? 

It takes focus, diligence, patience, and planning to get anywhere significant. And oftentimes it's the process that makes us into the person that can handle what's ahead. 

Almost seems like the more I want something, the more emotional resistance arises to challenge me. I feel insecure. I am afraid it won't work and then what? Who do I think I am? I am immobilized by timidity. 

Truth is, where I want to go takes courage. It takes the process of getting there if I am going to be worth anything to those I lead and mentor. It takes everything working together to make me the kind of person I need to be to do the job well. A new level of understanding. What it means to engage in the process. To be afraid. To diminish the fears with careful planning. To take a step and let the next one rise up to meet me. 

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