Friday, September 12, 2014

Lives Poured Out

"He that believeth in Me... out of him shall flow..." John 7:38

Our lives are designed as containers. Not to fill and contain; but with the purpose to be poured out and given away to others. 

How silly it would be to fill my water pitcher at home, but never pour it out to satisfy thirst and replenish the physical needs of people. 

In the same way, how can I view my life as a pitcher, but never pour it out to satisfy the thirst and replenish the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people around me?

Let's face it, the pouring out and emptying of our lives can be a little scary. Particularly when we view ourselves as the source of what we give. We try to think how much more can I give, I mean I need to take care of myself too... 

And while there is a necessary 're-filling' for the pitcher for more to be poured out, what I've found is that He who calls me to pour out my life is well able to keep filling! When Jesus is my source of life (rather than myself) I can trust there will always be more than enough to give to others. 

And the Lord will continually guide you, 
And satisfy your desire in scorched places, 
And give strength to your bones; 
And you will be like a watered garden, 
And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail." 
Isaiah 58:11

Living our best lives is not about containing; but rather learning the rhythm of being filled and poured out... filled and poured out... filled and poured out. To him be the glory.  

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