Friday, September 5, 2014

The Thing Behind The Thing

Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Ephesians 1:4

We live in two worlds; the interior and the exterior. The interior is hidden and often remains unseen, or so we think. In actuality, I believe what we see - the exterior of our life - is directly related to the condition of our interior life. 

If this premise is true, it is a crucial consideration for us as we consider living life at its best and bringing about the changes we see necessary to achieve this. 

More often than not, we consistently address our exterior lives when seeking change. We seek training, set goals, address challenges, and more. All of this is very good and necessary.

However, if we do not take into consideration the interior aspect of our lives; we will find ourselves getting exhausted, falling short, re-addressing issues and never truly living our best lives. Once we begin to address "the thing behind the thing", we can experience a freedom and inspiration that will literally feed the exterior life and change we are seeking.

If change is hard, I suggest taking time to consider your interior life. Ask yourself what is behind the exterior change you are desiring. Here are a few questions to get you started:
  • What do I believe about this?
  • What am I afraid of? 
  • Why am I doing this? 
  • Where does my strength come from? 

As you sit with these questions, may they propel you more fully into who you were created to be and the exterior changes you seek come naturally. May you find yourself living your best life ever.

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