Monday, September 28, 2015

Oh the Places We Can Go!

Last Saturday, I stirred up my inner adventurer and took off on a bike ride looking for where it would lead me. I had only discovered the trail near our house weeks ago and have been excited about exploring it ever since. In this photo, you see the railway bridge turned bike trail bridge over the Des Moines River. A cool find indeed! 

As I consider how simple and enjoyable this outing was; I can't help but realize how I make life harder than it needs to be at times. The analyzing, processing, thinking, sleeping on it brain often churns long and hard as I make decisions. I think I need to "be responsible" and have this perfect, completely thought out plan in place. And pause, hesitate, and second guess myself into moving at a crawling pace. 

Now hear me, not that it's wrong to seriously consider and process our decisions. I would just say it's wrong to give into our fears and risk avoidance all in the guise of "being responsible". Consider this...

So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above. Philippians 3:14

Did you catch it? Run. 

Yes. Do it. Tap into the inner adventurer and go for it. 

Living your best life is letting go of the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves. It's thinking as much as we have to, but not more than we need to. It is RUNNING towards our goals as we abandon the if only's and what if's.

It is seeing the goal and wanting the prize. Embracing the I am's and I can's. It is breathing the fresh air of anticipation and new beginnings deep into our lungs.

Oh the places we can go. This is your best life. Go out and run it.


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