Monday, September 14, 2015

Stretched But Not Broken

We've all been there, in small and big ways. Whether it was training for an athletic event, writing a late night research paper, applying for a job promotion... or hearing a medical diagnosis, parenting difficult children, facing financial devastation, or the loss of a loved one. That point where we crash head on into the hard reality that reminds us we all have limits. 


Life's challenges test the strength of our mind, body, and spirit evoking all sorts of emotions and thoughts... we want to run, hide, kick, fight, escape... and sometimes all at the same time. Oh, and those voices... How did I ever get myself here? I can't do this. This is insanity. What am I going to do now? I should have... could have...  would have's... On and on. 

Fear is driving us and we don't even know it. We are worrying, anxious, intimidated and doubtful. 

And then there is... Courage. 

Yep, right here. The ability to face the difficulty, pain and fear.

How so?

On our knees. Several years ago, I remember processing a very dear friend's Leukemia diagnosis. Having lost my husband and mom recently, I wasn't handling well the possibility and prognosis that I could lose another loved one way too early in life. I remember being in a small group of friends and praying together. The Lord gently drew me to my knees. He said, "Becky, if you bow before me; you won't bow to the fear." I found great peace. I encourage you to go to your knees as 'life hits' and quietly spend time with him. Courage anchors your soul. 

Walk through. There's still a life to be lived. Choices to be made. One day at a time, courage enables you to call upon your resourcefulness and embrace the difficulties. Just as resistance builds up muscle in your body; it is here that you find the emotional and spiritual strength that carries you through. You find opportunities that you never thought of and progress is made. Slowly and steadily courage helps you gain ground.

Rise up. And lastly, there's something so powerful about using the very difficulty that resists you to lift you up. Think of how an eagle uses the headwinds to lift her so she can soar. In these moments, a song of praise is born. You give to someone else. You find that there is no mountain that can stand in your way. 

Living your best life is realizing we may be stretched, but we will not break. Don't let fear hold you back. Rest, walk, and rise up in courage! 


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