Monday, November 2, 2015

A Prayer of Recollection

I have been learning a new prayer, one of recollection. It is where you find Jesus at home within your spirit. As real as the air in your lungs and as close as the rhythmic pulse of your heart beat. It is quickly becoming a sacred space

Here's a peek of a recent prayer time.

Come, we go to the ocean.  
I take off my backpack of work and responsibility, all the concerns I've been carrying in my mind and heart. 
My shoulders immediately feel the relief and a lingering ache of having carried the weight for too long. 
You gently rub them and kiss the back of my neck. You do not scold me. 
There is only love here.  
I ask you if you want to empty the backpack and talk about it. 
You laugh and say, "That won't be necessary. I was with you in everything you carry. There's nothing more to do with it that concerns me. Let's go play."
I respond to Your outstretched hand and off we run into the water.  
The cool waves washing over me. The salt clinging to my lips. 
I choose not to ask about it but to simply enjoy the moment we share. 
Somehow, in the midst of the play, the weights and entanglements were washed away in the waves.  
I am found, when I am lost in You. 

Living our best lives includes finding a real way to "recollect" ourselves. It is freedom, creativity, and the adventure of being lost and found again. Where do you create this sacred space in your life? Click here for more information on the Recollection Prayer.

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