Monday, November 16, 2015

Hope is where the heart is

Over twenty years ago, as young 20-somethings, my husband Dale and I interviewed for our first pastoral position as youth pastors in Maysville, Kentucky. 

We flew in for a weekend visit and were hosted in an old farmhouse by a beautiful empty-nester couple in their late 60's. By the end of that short weekend, Emery and Alice and their home had become 'home sweet home' to us. 

Here is where the timeless quality of beautiful hand-crafted furniture, quilts, and dinners met with our youthful energy and visions for the future. Past and future embraced, creating a most amazing present. 

This is hope. A grand expectancy in the good that is and is yet to come. 

The past is the anchor of hope. Tethering us to an eternity of faithfulness and putting us on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. The future is the brilliance of hope. Guiding us into a brighter time and fulfillment of days. The present is where these merge into a vibrant, living hope. A purpose to arise in the morning dawn and to lie down and rest after the day's labor.

Living our best lives is grounded in eternity and lived today. Hope is where the heart is.

Remember your heritage. Envision the future. Live with a grasp on both and you will find yourself walking in a rhythm of grace and hope each day... living your very best life.   

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you live your life! So happy we get to do some of that together. The best is yet to come.
