Monday, December 21, 2015

A Living Gift

Last week, my daughter had a throw back to the 80's day at school. It's always a boost to the ego when you realize you are now old enough for people to consider your coming of age years as a throw back in time. As Natalie left the house that day, she was proudly sporting pink leg warmers and a side pony tail.

Leg warmers. The fashion statement ALL the girls wore my 5th grade year. It was the only thing on my Christmas list that year. And there was not a happier girl around, in the moment I unwrapped the Old Fashioned Oatmeal box and pulled out two pairs of leg warmers. Side note for those who are wondering.... my mom was a master user of cereal boxes for wrapping gifts. This is one of my most vivid Christmas and childhood memories.

And as awesome as that was for me, do you think I have any idea where those leg warmers are today? I barely remember wearing them past one winter. As so many things, here today and gone tomorrow.

As we enter the week where we will exchange many gifts with friends and family, let us not lose sight of the greatest gift of all.

Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams, a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift. Isaiah 9:6

A living gift. God's son, for us.

Through this man we all receive gifts of grace beyond our imagination. John 1:16

This Christmas, may you receive your best gift ever. The living gift that never stops giving.

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