Monday, December 7, 2015

When Light Arrives

Today, I came to a street corner where someone was wearing a homemade sandwich board and carrying a ventriloquist doll. It was rather humorous. Evidently, he was determined to share something important with this unusual methodology. However, beyond slowing down the traffic as drivers attempted to figure out what the sight was, I am not sure his message got communicated to his drive-by audience.

People can go to quite a bit of effort to get their messages across... God, too.  

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, I'm reminded of His message of light. 

Nearby, in the fields outside of Bethlehem, a group of shepherds were guarding their flocks from predators in he darkness of night. Suddenly a messenger of the Lord stood in front of them, and the darkness was replaced with a glorious light - the shining light of God's glory. Luke 2:8-9

I love how darkness was "replaced". When light arrives, darkness is no more.  

May it be. 


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