Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bridge building

I often find myself running a search on Google or YouTube looking up how to do something. It's amazing how many tutorials are out there for cooking, fixing household items, pronouncing new words... you name it! While I am thankful for simple instructions that help me learn to do something new, it clearly has its limits.

There are places in all of our lives where we hope to bring change or growth and there is no aid in a Google discussion board or WikiHow. We are experiencing gaps or obstructions between the points we wish to connect. Things like navigating what I have, with what I need. Or where I am, with where I'd like to be.

We need a bridge between what is now and not yet. I've found that how we even go about building that bridge taps into our core beliefs and life strength. It will determine if the bridge will hold our weight and serve the purpose of getting us to the other side.

Bridge building is work. What materials do we use? Where do they come from? Who swings the hammer? Do I have energy or time to build a bridge... I really just want to be "over there".

Two things are helpful here. First, determine your source. Where are you going to pull from to get the job done? I have a good friend in his 70's who tells how he lived a long stretch of his life with the motto, "I can do all things." His willpower and grit produced a certain amount of success. And then his eyes light up when he talks about the life-defining moment when he came to understand, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 

Jesus is the best bridge there is. For every gap, weakness, shortcoming, dream, desire, and hope. This is what makes grace AMAZING. Receive his life, death and resurrection as your reality over and over again. Ask him for wisdom, ideas, motivation, and strength. He will supply you in the most practical areas of life as you look to him.

Secondly, do it with others. Say it out loud in your small group. Tell someone when they ask how you're doing. Speak it as you try to figure out how you will even live it. The secret is, that is how you start your bridge. When we share our tough spots with others, we find a SEA... Support, Encouragement, and Accountability that holds us up; and yes, even brings us further than we could ever go on our own. 

Living your best life is one of purpose and growth. You will build a lot of bridges in the process. Determine today to do it well and you will find your bridges not only bring you where you want to go, but also provide a pathway for others to follow behind you. 

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