Monday, May 2, 2016

If Life was a Baseball Game

I can get intense sometimes. Anybody else? If life was a baseball game, my swings would be hard and followed through. Every ounce of focus, sweat, and muscle going for the home run. That probably sets me up for a few more strike out's and a little more fatigue by the end of the night. But why play the game if you don't put everything you are into it?

I'm learning in life, that sometimes it's okay and even necessary to simply get a base hit. This type of swing is focused, yet tempered in the force behind the swing. Holding back some of the power, so that the ball can land between the outfields, allowing you to make it to base safely. It leaves room for the next hit to advance you around the bases. 

And what about the times the batter is called in to bunt and sacrifice his own hit to make way for a teammate to steal a base? Are there times I would be willing to lay down my own 'hit' and trip around the bases so that someone else can advance and we get a win for the team? 

When we focus too much on the home run's - we miss the true goal - of winning the game. And maybe that's not the true goal, either. Maybe it's enjoying the sport, playing to the best of our abilities, embracing the team spirit, and letting the outcome rest in God's hands. 

If life was a baseball game... I'd learn to slow down. I'd listen to the coach and watch his signals. I'd remember there are more times up to bat and more innings to come. Not everything rests on this one swing and hit being perfect. 

If life was a baseball game... I'd enjoy the smells of hot dogs and popcorn, watching the fans bungling for foul balls, hearing the organ riffs, and take the time to autograph baseballs for the little guys on the sideline. 

If life was a baseball game... I could hear the umpire say (imagine the inflection with me) - "Let's Live Life!" 
Here's to living our best lives one swing at a time and enjoying it.

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