Monday, June 27, 2016

Ridin' Waves

Last week we enjoyed a Sabbath at the beach. We found great delight in the ocean. From early morning sunrises to the full moon in the evening, from the walks and seashell hunts to the waves and boogie boards... it all was marvelous play, rest, and refreshment. 

One of my favorite memories is playing in the ocean waves with my daughter, Natalie. We spent enough time out there to begin to name the various waves things such as, "Big Gentles" and "Riders". In a matter of time, these two Midwest girls were calling them and able to distinguish the best ones to ride in to shore. 

Of course, a few of them took us for a tumbling ride as well. Nothing like salt water baptisms and the surprise as a young boy recovers your lost to the ocean sunglasses! For sure, riding a wave is more fun than having one ride you. 

A few things we learned from the waves: 
  • Prepare. You keep your eyes in the water and respond. Whether you want to dive into it or jump with it - you move and respond. Standing still you are more likely to be knocked over or swept in the undertow.

  • Time it. You want to be in motion with the energy of the wave. Not too far ahead of it and definitely not behind when it hits.

  • Enjoy. Whether you call it perfectly and ride it all the way in or it falls short and you gently sway or maybe you get thrown around scrape your knees in the sand - it's all play. Let yourself go in uncontrolled, unreserved play. 
  • Together. All things are more rich when done with a companion. Whether it's a elderly man teaching his grandson or like us, a mom and daughter duo - play is a great way to strengthen your relationship. You may even be surprised by the conversations you have in the middle of the ocean with no one around! ;)
Living your best life is learning how to play well. How to ride the opportunities and seasons you have and enjoy each moment with the people around you. It certainly is better than when life takes over and it feels like it is riding you for all its worth.

It's summer - go enjoy it and play with some people in your life!

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