Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Come, we go.


A Prayer of Recollection: Come, we go. 

As I take your hand, I feel the warmth and strength.
You smile as my feet find their place on the climb.
I notice the back pack I carry, and I wonder what it holds.
It's not heavy or burdensome at all.

          It's to carry what I've given you.
         For the people you will meet along the way.
         For the weary and forlorn, for the distracted and disowned. 
         Freely you have received, freely give. 

I nod my head. Yes, I understand. 
May all you have invested in me be shared with those I am around.
May I skillfully and generously give away what has been so freely given to me. 

          You don't go alone.
         I'm here to guide and provide. 
         Take your gifts, they are for giving.
         Bring comfort, peace, and joy. 

Yes. And most of all, I give you. 
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
May you live through me in every interaction. 

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