Monday, November 21, 2016

Open Hands

There is hardly anything more American for a child than the tradition of tracing your hand into a Thanksgiving turkey. And while there are a multitude of creative ways to complete the task, the goal of teaching our children to give thanks remains the same.

Beyond the fact that the hand makes a pretty good turkey with bright colors and finger feathers for our list of thanks… I think our hands are central as we celebrate this Thanksgiving week.

Consider two good things that happen with our open hands and how they go ‘hand in hand’. (Pardon the pun, just couldn’t resist!)

Receiving with thanksgiving. Open hands position us to receive the blessings in life that come our way. May be small, like someone offering to open a door for you, helping you carry a heavy item or taking a task off your to-do list. May be big, like your parents who provided a home for you, a teacher or coach who believed in you, or a good friend who walks with you in all the seasons of life. How good are you at receiving the gifts of life with open hands and giving thanks?

Giving with gratitude. Open hands also position us to respond with gratitude that pours out our blessings to the people around us. May be small, like sharing a smile and kind words with the cashier, offering to help a neighbor rake their leaves, or inviting someone without family to spend Thanksgiving day with you. May be big, like giving generously to the needs of others, investing time in helping others learn a new skill, or sacrificing your schedule to spend time with someone who needs a friend. How good are you at giving away the blessings you have to others with open hands?

I’ve found it takes both giving and receiving to live a rich and beautiful life. May we have open hands today and always. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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