Monday, November 7, 2016


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

At times, there is a fine balance between serenity and courage. And often, in the complexity of life, situations require both. Think about it. Can you really have serenity without courage or vice versa? 

It takes fine-tuning to discern where one ends and the other begins. And that’s where the prayer for wisdom comes in. The ability to apply what we know consciously and intuitively to situations, embracing both the science and the art of living well.

A few thoughts in fine-tuning…

Free will is yours; it’s a gift from God.
You have the power to choose, always. Notice I said choose and not control, which is what most people want and what trips them up. Be intentional with how you lead yourself. Choose your attitude, your values, and the person you will be.

Peace is a guard for your heart. It is not dependent on the environment around you, nor is it resignation or a wimpy spirit. True peace is a fortress that holds you unshakeable during the stormiest of days. It is a guide in the darkest of nights. Don’t abandon it ever.

Each day, a new day. How often we are recklessly worrying ourselves through tomorrow’s trouble or yesterday’s memory. It’s important to live with eyes wide open and focused on what’s been given to us in the here and now. And in case you didn’t know, fresh starts can happen any time of day.

Eyes on the prize. Keep your chin up, take hold of your purpose and your God who will get you through. Don’t let the fog mask His goodness and loving care for you. He has plans of peace for you and a hope and future. It will come together as you call on Him and courageously trust in the steps you take.

As delicate a process as it is at times, it is also a strong one.

Living your best includes it all. It’s accepting. It’s changing. It’s the wisdom to know the difference. It’s all the process of being fine-tuned.  

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