Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Deepest Love

Covering many a public place are the declarations of love one has for another. From notebooks, to restroom stalls, park benches, and tattooed bodies... we humans have a tendency to announce our love so others may know. 

We're just like our Creator and Loving King. In his words, "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16a

What I love most about his hands is that right in the middle of the engraving, I see the nail scars that demonstrated his love. 

Living your best life is remembering who loves you most. The one who is with you in the darkest of nights, the prosperous times and the needy ones. The one who gives you purpose and the freedom to enjoy life here on earth. The one who has rescued you from a miry pit of destruction more times than you can count. The one who celebrates over you with singing. The one who gave his life so you could experience life.

May you receive the deepest love there is for you today... His. 

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