Monday, May 4, 2015

Heaven's Voice

The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship. Day and night they keep on telling about God. Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world. Psalm 19:1-4

Yesterday on an evening walk, I stumbled upon the most unique sunset I have ever seen. I am certain this photo doesn't give it justice; however, I think you will see the shooting rays that marveled me. A glimpse of a heavenly 'light show' beating out any human made one. 

If this, as scripture tells us, is a message... What do you think God is telling us? In the few minutes I was able to relish in the moment, here's what I found: 

First, it was the surprise. I love the way God surprises me. When I least expect it. When I am tired or distracted. Not because I deserve it or have done anything right. Just because of who He is and because I am His. 

Then, it was the awe. An overwhelming touch of majestic beauty that instantly silences everything else. A remembrance of Creator God who is actively creating and crafting, not only in the heavenlies but also in our lives. 

Lastly, those striking sun rays tell me of the reaching power of God's love in our lives. Yes, 'your love reaches me' as the Vineyard song expresses. It's what I need. It's what I need. 

How about you? Have you taken time to see and listen to what the heavens are telling you? You might just find the answers to your questions or realize the questions no longer matter. 

Living our best lives is in sync and response with a loving Heavenly Father who is talking with us all the time. Telling us of His great love, power, and care for our lives. 

Maybe it is time for you to take a stroll. Look. Listen. And live your best life ever.  


  1. Becky!
    This is so beautifully written. I love how God speaks to you through the things that you love. He is so attentive to who you are and what delights you.

    1. Thank you, Grace! It's a blessing to share with you. - Becky
