Monday, May 18, 2015

The Daily Work

While beautifully rustic in a photograph, this old barn could clearly use some attention and care. At one time, I'm sure it was a sturdy home for the animals and farm equipment stored there. However, in time and with being exposed to the elements: boards fade and break, nails rust, shingles blow away, and tresses warp.

To live our best lives, it takes attention and care. Daily. This barn didn't begin to crumble over night; and neither do our relationships, physical health, soul-care, or walk with Jesus. 

Anything that is valuable in your life is worth the time, cost, and commitment to care for it. The question is - how? 

A few things I've found helpful- 

- Structure. It's easier to maintain our time, priorities, and attention when we create and live within a structure. This includes things like knowing my purpose and calling, embracing my strengths and limitations, and cooperating with each season of life. 

- Rhythm. Rather than trying to find "balance", which gives a sense of holding all things equally in such a way that it's a juggling act; I like the idea of rhythm. Rhythm gives me the freedom to be present in all areas of my life and give my attention where and when it is most needed.

- Lean in. Allow the care and attention to go below the surface level. Shortcuts are often costly. Do not merely care for the external aspects of life, but do the internal hard work. Slapping up a few more boards and painting the barn may give a better outward appearance, but will not suffice in strengthening it to care for the animals inside who are depending on it for shelter. 

Today, I am paying attention to where I am feeling a little frayed and worn out. And right here I embrace the rhythms of His amazing grace and lean into His strength and sufficiency. So grateful for His care and attention to our lives. 

May we cooperate daily with Him, so that we may live our best lives. 

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