Monday, May 11, 2015

What's In Your Basket?

The Eternal is my light amidst my darkness and my rescue in times of trouble. So whom shall I fear? He surrounds me with a fortress of protection. So nothing should cause me alarm. Psalm 27:1

Many of us are familiar with the story of Moses and his early beginnings. A childhood Bible story of the basket and rescue; but it's not quite as simple as we like to tell the story. 

Think about it. This was a time of great darkness, one threatening the very life of Moses. And in the face of this great danger, I observe his mom's admirable actions of bravery, ingenuity, and faith. 

Bravery. Facing the danger head on, this woman hid her baby at birth. She didn't give up or run away from the threatening situation; but wisely concealed her son and planned for his life. 

Ingenuity. In a move of creative brilliance, she waterproofed a basket for her son and sent it down the Nile to the presence of the Egyptian princess, asking older sister Miriam to watch over what happened. Rather than be shut down by fear, she allowed it to thrust her family into a new realm of opportunity. 

Faith. Giving her son into a basket on the river, was really giving her son to God. It was a singular act of trust that displayed the brightness of hope cutting through the dark.

As I pray lately, I think about the basket and where do I need to have bravery, ingenuity and faith? Where is the darkness, fear, and hopes? These are exactly the situations that should go in the basket. There's no better place to put the cares of my life. 

Living our best life is much more than comfort and ease. It often requires more than we think we have to give. And it is in those places we discover the basket and the One who keeps it safe. 

What's in your basket?

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