Monday, February 25, 2013

Planting for the Harvest

Plant enough seeds and you'll never have to think twice about the harvesting.*

There are many 'harvests' we desire in life. To me, it seems the mind is never running short on ideal scenarios and goals I'd like to achieve. Simultaneously, I'm very conscious of the 'gaps' that lie between my current reality and the preferred future. 
What we do right here, living in this tension, makes all the difference on the 'harvest' we will experience.
A few dead ends - 
Woulda's, Shoulda's, Coulda's: Nothing hijacks our lives more than regrets, blame-shifting, and "If only..."  Unless it is information that can directly translate into helping you... stay away from these!
I can't: Truth is, if we want something we don't have in our lives right now - we're going to have to do something we haven't done yet. Your core belief on what you can and can't do will either be your friend or foe.
Figuring it all out: Yep, most of us want a 100% guaranteed plan with warranties that everything will work out perfectly and a clear picture of how it will all have meaningful connection in providing the desired result.  In my experience, life just doesn't work that way.  
Impatience: Harvests don't "happen" overnight. How many times do we get frustrated and give up before the change has time to work it's full results?
And a few opportunities - 
Plant seeds: Take control of what you can do and do it. You will find amazing freedom and joy right in this place.  Remember... plant enough seeds and you'll never have to think twice about the harvest. Connect what you are doing with "why", aka "harvest", and you'll be empowered every step along the way.
Believe: Ultimately, what you believe can and will open doors to you that you never thought possible. Don't let your past experiences define your future harvests!  If you believe in God's grace poured out in your life, all the more reason to have genuine hope in your preferred future.
Relax: As you put your attention to your part of the work, you can rest assured that all the other outside factors will come together.  Just as a farmer plants seed, he relies on the sun to shine, the rains to fall, and for God to give the increase.
Happy Planting! 
*Adapted from Seth Godin's blog

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