Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Ever feel like you are having 10 different thought races at the same time in your head... or is it just me?  Sometimes it's hard to get anything done, as my brain is over-stimulated and going a million miles an hour in no particular direction.  Talk about a hindrance to productivity and a challenge to enjoying life and what I'm doing.

Gaining control of our thoughts is essential in gaining control of our lives and living at our best.  In order to do that, I often have to take a minute to determine where are all these thoughts coming from.  What are the voices I'm listening to - internally and externally - that are creating this whir of brain activity?  Once I determine that, I can begin to organize and deal with them.

Some of the voices in my life - 

  • Performance: This can come from the inside or the outside, or a combination.  It's the driving To-Do list that I can never fully accomplish, yet my brain strives to be just a little more effective - believing if only I try a little harder, I can get it all done.
  • Doubt: This one can also be self-inflicted or caused by circumstances and people around me.  It is the unsure part of us trying to make decisions when we can't control all the dynamics or do not have all the knowledge we need.  For some reason, my brain drives to resolve and address this tension - believing there is a perfect solution, and if I think hard enough I'll find it.
  • Comparison: Read the above points... it can all lead to insecurity.  Rather than drawing deep from within, and taking hold of the things I know; my brain thinks - 'Wow, So and so has it all put together" as I look at them from my outside perspective - believing if I was only more like them, I wouldn't have any of these problems.
All of these voices trap me.  I get caught in their cage, and the more I think I can resolve them - the more trapped I become.  

A few other voices in my life - 
  • Connection: Whether it's the familiarity of my daughter's voice calling, "Mom" or a close friend saying "Hey" when I answer my phone.  The voices that cut through the clutter and ground me - reminding me of the rich relationships that fill my life.
  • Gratitude: When I notice the beautiful sunrises, and consider the abundance of life I've been blessed - I can't help but give thanks.  I have been richly awarded that which I do not deserve.
  • The Good Shepherd: The most important voice I've ever heard or will hear. It settles me in His love and care.  It reminds me whose I am, and who I am.
These voices calm the brain frenzy and set me free in the joy of living once again.  

It is interesting to note how every thought is grounded in a belief. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32 

Once it is all laid out, it becomes so clear.  I am able to now choose my thoughts, and what I believe.  Off and ready to go and have a great day.

What are the voices that trap you?  What are the ones that set you free?

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