Friday, December 12, 2014

You Matter.

"Let him that would move the world, first move himself." Socrates

I recently had the pleasure of a canoe ride in the beautiful hill country of Texas. In the peaceful ride down the Frio River I saw the smallest duck swimming alongside. 

What struck me was the 'wake' his little body created, providing a distinct picture of where he had been as he progressed in where he was headed.

This duck reminded me that my presence makes a difference. That where I have been, where I am, and where I am going is noticeable.

You matter. Where you go, what you do, and who you are makes a difference. Your life, small as it may be leaves a 'wake' just as this little duck. 

How can you live & move in such a way that your 'wake' is for the good of yourself, those around you, and the world you live in? 

A few observations of friends who have left a powerful 'wake' in my life.... 
  • Hug often.
  • Smile big.
  • Encourage lavishly.
  • Laugh out loud.
  • Learn names.
  • Say thank you. 
  • Lend a helping hand.
  • Be real. 
Living life at its best is the power to control what you can control; and to intentionally move in sync with the design and purpose you were created for. There you will find a wake of freedom for yourself and encouragement for others. 

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