Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Eyes For Only One

Last weekend, I attended my daughter's show choir performance. Her team is comprised of 73 middle school students and bringing together the music, singing and dancing with a group that size is no small feat. 

As they took the stage, I thought to myself, "This time I am going to watch the whole group to see how the choreography looks as a whole and how they do as a team." Mind you, this was the fifth time I have seen this particular show.

And then it happened. In fact, it happens every time she performs. I lose sight of every other person on that stage as my eyes settle on her. The music and dancing begins and my heart grows so big inside my chest it feels like I may pop as the corner of my eyes fill with tears. I track with that girl up and down and all over that stage. Every spin, head turn and smile is captured. I have eyes for only one. 

How is it possible to feel this much love over and over again for my child?

If you have ever experienced a deep friendship, fallen in love, or watched your child perform, you know exactly what I'm talking about! 

"He who keeps you will never take His eyes off you." Psalm 121:3

Maybe these moments provide us a glimpse of the Eternal Father's love for us. 

I think I have a new definition of grace... it's your Papa having eyes for only one. You know, He can do that. That's what makes it amazing. He can have eyes for only one - - for each one for us at the same time!! Not because we've done everything right or special, just because we're His. 

Yep, He has eyes for only one. You. 

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