Monday, March 30, 2015

Hand-shaped Lives

For we are God's handiwork. Ephesians 2:10 

Yesterday I had the privilege of watching a potter share while throwing pottery. His whole talk was amazing and multi-faceted as he compared our lives to the clay in the hands of the heavenly potter. As this talented artisan handled the clay, I could almost feel God's hands on my life. 

It was an earthy experience watching him work. He got dirty. He applied pressure and held that clay as he formed it with his hands. He stretched and molded it. And he didn't let go. 

All the while, he talked about his vision for it. His dream of beauty. Planning it for a purpose. Not once did he worry about it not turning out. I think as long as his hands were on it, he knew it would turn out just fine. 

In this world of mass-production, retail stores, and online shopping it's so easy to get disconnected from creation and true handiwork. We lose touch with the intimate touches and joy that comes with fashioning and forming raw material into beautiful products. 

Watching this creator work was a glimpse into the heart & work of the Master Creator. 

Our lives are not mass-produced, assembly line-efficient, cheaply formed from poor materials designed to make a buck. In our Potter's hands, we too are fashioned as a workmanship. Designed for his dreams of beauty and purpose. We are hand-crafted, one of a kind creations, valuable beyond a price tag. 

He takes us in our raw state and shapes us. He applies pressure to form us, and stretches us to grow. He dreams about us. And He doesn't let go. 

Living our best lives is living it in His hands. Don't think for a minute you are on your own. He is here. There is a purpose. You can rest. You're in good hands. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Roam & Rest

My daughter is 14 and is in the stage of life that so many parents describe as "Hold me close as you let me go." One moment she's saying, "I've got it, Mom" and adventurously taking on life, ready to handle things independently..... begging to hang out with friends, throwing on headphones, staying up late, and let's not even talk about how her room looks.

And suddenly, the next moment strikes and I hear, "Can you rub my back, Mom?" and she's ready to be held close again.... drawing me beautiful pieces of art, sharing spontaneous hugs, and appreciating homemade meals with the family.

I love being available to her. Whenever and however she wants to share life, I am here to share it.

I think our Heavenly Father feels similarly towards us....

Live in this land He provides. Roam and rest in God's faithfulness. Psalm 37:4 

Living in sync includes a childlike spirit of joy and trust in the faithfulness of He who watches over us. Our best lives should be as care-free as children living with loving, good parents. Free to roam & enjoy it. Invited to rest anytime we need it.

He loves being here for us.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Understanding Your Opponents

Yesterday was Selection Sunday for the NCAA basketball tournament. In anticipation, teams & their fans sat on the edge of their seats for the announcement of their 'seeds' and where they would be placed in the brackets. Soon after the rejoicing or groaning that followed the announcement, one of the very first questions that was asked to players & coaches is: "How will you prepare to play..... fill in the blank of the first opponent they will face.... in the tourney?"

Why is this?

Because part of playing the game well requires not only understanding how to maximize your strengths as team; but also how to shut down your opponent. A strong offense AND defense is required to come out on top.

How about you? How well do you know your opponents? 

Living our best life certainly includes the ability to move forward and build on our strengths. It also includes a healthy awareness of the barriers and pitfalls that can sabotage our progress. 

One of my opponents is doubt. 

It rarely shows up head on; often sweeping in from the sidelines with an extra question or suggestion. Seems harmless enough and at times even bears the disguise of wisdom or humility. 

So it begins, but soon one thought can lead to the next and I have second guessed myself right into my opponent's hand. If not aware, I can then be swept into one of two potential states: inactivity or over-activity. Neither are effective, as they both lack the faith to simply take the next step. 

Understanding the way my opponent moves has enabled me to overcome it, rather than having it overcome me. I have learned that rarely do we have 100% of what we need or feel we need to make our decisions. It's okay to make the best decision I can for today with the knowledge I have. I can bear the tension of risk and reward and the unknown all a little better. 

Do I win every time doubt opposes me? No. But as long as I stay in the game & face it head on, I know I'll will win in the end. See there? Looks like I am already beginning to dominate that old opponent of doubt. 

Here's to understanding our opponents so that we can overcome them; because living in sync with our best lives is no game we want to lose. Have a great week!  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Uncharted Territory

There are many times in life we find ourselves in uncharted territory. Sometimes it is a new opportunity that provides an exciting adventure and other times a wilderness that seems overgrown with challenges. Often these uncharted places are a combination of both.

These last few weeks I have cried tears and rejoiced with joy. I have shared moments that have become 100 times richer in the presence of friends. There remain more questions than answers; but an eternal hope anchors my heart. It is the beauty of living life.

In one of these moments, just a few days ago, I had the blessing of sharing life and praying with a young group of girls. We prayed about sleepovers and grandparents and struggles at home. As I shared my prayer request in simple terms, a surprised 8 year old observed... "So, adults can still get scared?"

Yes. They can.

And the prayers of an 8 year old can also bring peace and courage in the wilderness.

Today, I am praying for you. Because I can bet you are in some type of uncharted territory in your life and wondering about the way forward. May you find lasting peace & joy in the one who is guiding you through. He's crazy about you and He will get you through.

I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:12 -13, The Message

Monday, March 2, 2015

Life is Fragile

On my mantle, there is an obituary I wish wasn't there. It is in memory of a young 14 year old girl, a classmate of my daughter who committed suicide last Monday after school. My heart breaks as I think about how broken her heart must have been that led her to take her own life.

As much as we wish we could bring Grace back and have some type of do-over to this story; we can't. I hate the finality of it. The battle of the the unanswerable questions rage in our mind. The what if's, the how come's, the why's.

And we stop and we grieve. We comfort the tears of one another with the love in our hearts. We hug and sit in silence. We tell stories and look at old photos.

Life is fragile and resilient all at the same time.

These are defining moments in our lives, and how we walk through them make a difference. We can embrace the 'unsettling' and find greater means of comfort and hope or we deny and fight it and become numb or hardened to the pain. No one likes to hurt, but sometimes hurting is where the healing begins.

Living your best life doesn't mean everyday is rosey, but it does give you the capacity to walk through the hard times with faith, hope, and purpose.

I pray Grace's death would make my life purpose hold just a little bit stronger, and my desire to make a difference in the lives of others compel me to see the hurting people around me each day. May it do the same for you.