Monday, March 23, 2015

Roam & Rest

My daughter is 14 and is in the stage of life that so many parents describe as "Hold me close as you let me go." One moment she's saying, "I've got it, Mom" and adventurously taking on life, ready to handle things independently..... begging to hang out with friends, throwing on headphones, staying up late, and let's not even talk about how her room looks.

And suddenly, the next moment strikes and I hear, "Can you rub my back, Mom?" and she's ready to be held close again.... drawing me beautiful pieces of art, sharing spontaneous hugs, and appreciating homemade meals with the family.

I love being available to her. Whenever and however she wants to share life, I am here to share it.

I think our Heavenly Father feels similarly towards us....

Live in this land He provides. Roam and rest in God's faithfulness. Psalm 37:4 

Living in sync includes a childlike spirit of joy and trust in the faithfulness of He who watches over us. Our best lives should be as care-free as children living with loving, good parents. Free to roam & enjoy it. Invited to rest anytime we need it.

He loves being here for us.  

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