Monday, March 16, 2015

Understanding Your Opponents

Yesterday was Selection Sunday for the NCAA basketball tournament. In anticipation, teams & their fans sat on the edge of their seats for the announcement of their 'seeds' and where they would be placed in the brackets. Soon after the rejoicing or groaning that followed the announcement, one of the very first questions that was asked to players & coaches is: "How will you prepare to play..... fill in the blank of the first opponent they will face.... in the tourney?"

Why is this?

Because part of playing the game well requires not only understanding how to maximize your strengths as team; but also how to shut down your opponent. A strong offense AND defense is required to come out on top.

How about you? How well do you know your opponents? 

Living our best life certainly includes the ability to move forward and build on our strengths. It also includes a healthy awareness of the barriers and pitfalls that can sabotage our progress. 

One of my opponents is doubt. 

It rarely shows up head on; often sweeping in from the sidelines with an extra question or suggestion. Seems harmless enough and at times even bears the disguise of wisdom or humility. 

So it begins, but soon one thought can lead to the next and I have second guessed myself right into my opponent's hand. If not aware, I can then be swept into one of two potential states: inactivity or over-activity. Neither are effective, as they both lack the faith to simply take the next step. 

Understanding the way my opponent moves has enabled me to overcome it, rather than having it overcome me. I have learned that rarely do we have 100% of what we need or feel we need to make our decisions. It's okay to make the best decision I can for today with the knowledge I have. I can bear the tension of risk and reward and the unknown all a little better. 

Do I win every time doubt opposes me? No. But as long as I stay in the game & face it head on, I know I'll will win in the end. See there? Looks like I am already beginning to dominate that old opponent of doubt. 

Here's to understanding our opponents so that we can overcome them; because living in sync with our best lives is no game we want to lose. Have a great week!  

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