Monday, July 13, 2015

Open the Door

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily. –Zig Ziglar

Often we depend on motivation to create action in our lives. We want to lose weight... invest time in relationships... give to worthy causes... learn a new skill... you name it. And we wait and stall out. Because all of a sudden it's hard to work up the 'gumption' it takes for life change, if you know what I mean. 

What if we flipped that idea around and let the action in our lives create motivation? 

All of a sudden, we would not be subject to a feeling, emotion, or moment of inspiration. We could intentionally live our lives with action and let the experience create the passion and inspiration. I believe motivation would naturally follow all on its own.

Here are two questions to consider what action you might be able to take  - 

  • How can I best start? 
  • What can I do right now? 

Why not just do it? Open and walk through the door in front of you. Let your steps take you where your heart is leading you. The rest will fall into place as you go. 

Living your best life happens with the decisions you make each and every day. So, I ask boldly and daringly to you... what is your next step? 

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