Monday, July 27, 2015

Enjoy the Game!

As many of you know, I moved this summer. In the endless sea of boxes, I recently came across my lucky baseball. Why is it my lucky baseball you ask? Well, several years ago at an Iowa Cubs baseball game, a foul ball was hit down the first base line and into the stands where we were sitting. As I talked with my friend, I observed two things happening simultaneously... the ball flying our direction and a few guys falling all over themselves and their seats as they attempted to position themselves for the catch. Next thing I knew, the ball hit the concrete aisle and the bounce sent it directly my way. Casually, almost nonchalently, I lifted my right hand and caught it. No standing, bending, or stretching. It was like the sweetest catch in all of baseball history (at least for me). I can still recall the shocked expression on the faces of the guys, who turned to see where the ball went. 

As I reflected on this story, I began to think about it in light of prayer. How often we swing, strike, and hit prayers out there and wonder if they are being caught. Sure, there are evident base hits and I've even witnessed some home runs through the power of prayer. But just as likely, I've struck out and hit many a foul ball in my attempts to connect with God. 

In pondering the effectiveness of my prayer life or lack thereof, the Holy Spirit brought a new image of playing ball to my mind. The picture of myself playing wiffle ball with my daughter Natalie and her friends. Where ALL the pressure is on the adult to make sure the ball hits the bat as it is pitched and balls are caught. I mean, haven't we all leaned in when pitching or playing catch with a young child said those words, "Let's move a little closer here." And we were only three feet away from each other at the time! Yep, done it. 

Immediately, I knew this was a new picture of prayer God was trying to show me. An image where He has taken ALL the responsibility in making the connection with me. My prayers are heard and caught, every single one of them. Not because of me, but because of Him. This my friend is grace. Amazing grace. And there is no better way to live. 

Living in sync doesn't mean you have it all together; it means you have learned how to lean into His amazing grace. Now that all the pressure is off... go enjoy the game. 

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