Tuesday, July 7, 2015


And forgive us our debts as we forgive those who owe us something. Matthew 6:12

As Jesus walked the earth, he taught his disciples how to pray. He talks about the simplicity and the hiddenness of our conversations with the Father. And in what most of us refer to as "The Lord's Prayer" he brings to light a lot of our daily, basic needs. Smack dab in the middle of it, he brings up forgiveness. We fall short a lot. And the people around us do, too. 

Forgive us as we forgive. Sin is not an isolated experience, and neither is forgiveness. It is interwoven between God, ourselves and others. It is how we live fully and freely in the unity we have been created to dwell in. It is an essential component in our relationships with ourselves, with the father, and other people. 

Forgiveness is receiving mercy from the Father; and it is releasing justice into his hands. Forgiveness cleanses and releases the soul of fear, vindication, pain, anger, and shame. Forgiveness does not depend on the apologies of others, or even things being made right. It lets go of the wrong and puts ourselves in a position to receive an abundance of God's mercies and grace for ourselves and for others. 

There is a path of healing, redemption, and reconciliation. And none of these are even possible without the first step of forgiveness. 

Living our best lives will certainly require forgiveness. Not a blatant excuse for mis-steps and wrongs, but a humble acknowledgment of our daily need for mercy and grace. Live it with yourself and extend it to the people around you. It is love in action. 

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