Monday, August 24, 2015

Your Life as a River Pt. 4 of 5

If you have hung around a toddler lately, you have probably heard a clear, definitive "No!" as they have expressed themselves. The all familiar boundary-setting "No" is a clear sign of a young one's burgeoning growth, independence, and identity. 

Knowing who we aren't is just as important as knowing who we are.

This week we talk about the importance of having "banks" to the river of your life; or in other words, boundaries. Without banks, a river cannot serve a purpose or reach a destination. In fact, a river without banks is actually dangerous as it flows into unintended places and can cause a lot of damage.
Without clearly defined "no's", your "yes's" are not bringing you anywhere in life. 

I think our tendency as we navigate decisions in life is to fall into extremes on this. We either go too wide with our "yes's" and desire to do everything or too narrow with our "no's" and protecting our precious time and resources. Neither serve us well in fulfilling our life purpose.

How do you build adequate banks to harness the power, presence, and purpose of your life? 

Define your yes's. Consider and write down...
  • Your source, direction, and current (Parts 1-3 of these series). 
  • Your greatest strengths (if you don't know - take a gifts, personality, and/or strengths assessment)
  • Your passions, dreams, and desires (if you could do anything...)
Define your no's. Consider and write down...
  • What is draining your life right now. (look at your calendar, checkbook, energy)
  • Your weaknesses or challenges. (where are you functioning that is hard)
  • What doesn't fit with your yes's. 
Consider the why's. 
Sometimes the obvious answer isn't the right one. Be willing to go a little deeper and know why you are doing what you are doing and how you will be most effective. 

Process outloud. 
Too often, we try to figure this out in our brains and it just whirs with all the options. Call a friend, talk to a significant other, contact a coach (hey - that's me!) and you'll be amazed how much clearer life is when you have someone to listen and reflect back to you. 

Here's to living your best life in the flow and within the banks of purpose and fulfillment. What's your next step today?

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