Monday, August 31, 2015

Your Life as a River Pt. 5 of 5

Several years ago my daughter and I went on an adventure tour on the North Shores of Hawaii and tried out paddle boarding. We got our boards and entered the bay with our fellow tourist companions; including an experienced Australian who shared a few tips after Natalie went overboard and a honeymooning couple who were going in circles as we finally made our way out into the deeper water. 

After an hour on the beautiful paradise waters, it was time to turn back in order to get on the bus for our return trip. As we arrived back in the bay, we came upon the hilarious sight of the honeymooners still circling the bay! I guess it was good they were in love, because they sure didn't make any progress that afternoon.

There was no learning a new sport without getting the board and paddle into the water. And there is no moving forward in our lives to a goal or a dream without starting somewhere and living it. 

Our final post in this series is the simple, but often the most challenging aspect in our lives... lead yourself in the flow. We have our Source, our Direction is set, we are in the Current, and the banks are established... what's left is the daily living out of life. Moving from head knowledge to actualizing our values and priorities in the daily rhythm of life. 

So often, we get stuck right here; circling in the bay of life. 

Waiting for something to happen. 
Waiting to understand.
Waiting to be or feel more ready.
Waiting for someone else. 
Waiting because we want the end results without the steps to get us there.  

Living with good intentions, but never transitioning to living with intentionality. 

The reality is.... we could all wait forever and never get anywhere in life. Not that there is never a season for waiting; but even so, that is an intentional time with specific things you do or don't do for a reason. 

Rather than waiting... how about we start? Do one thing. 

I'll never forget the advice given to me by a financial planner years ago. After my appointment and putting together my plan, I looked at the advisor and asked him what I was supposed to do now. He looked at me and responded, "What are you going to do today? Your life is really just a series of today's all strung together." And he's right. 

Live today. Wake up tomorrow and live your today again. If you can learn to live intentionally for a day, you can for a week and so on. For some of you, it starts even smaller... if you can plan and work effectively for an hour, you can work effectively for a morning. 

Living your best life means living with intentionality. One day at a time. One step at a time. 

Now, go do something. 

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