Monday, August 3, 2015

Your Life As a River Pt. 1 of 5

Every river has a source. A place where it begins and is defined a purpose. A place where it is 'fed' so it never runs dry.

In the same way, our lives need a source; an answer to the question "Why am I here?". Whether it be expressed as a proactive or a reactive question, we all ask it at some point or multiple points in life. Deep down we have a need for identity and purpose.

I believe our answer lies in the source of our lives. Where we begin and are consistently fed will determine everything about who we are, and from there what we believe and do. Have you determined your life source? The place where you are birthed, sustained, and fulfilled in life. Can you answer the "Why's" with assurance?

Our decision on this very matter determines much. For we take on the very nature and properties of our life source. There is no separation or distinguishing the water of the river from its source. It is one and the same. So it is with our lives.

I have found over and over again, the "why" is able to bear the "how" in our lives. When determining how to respond to the high's and low's and even the constant supply of ordinary days we face - our purpose makes the way forward.

As Paul puts it so well... "I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13

For some of us, maybe many of us, we do know our source of life. But we forget and live as if we need to muster up our lives all on our own. Whether you are deciding your source for the first time or the hundredth time, the best place to go is Christ. He is the well of life that never runs dry.

Living your best life is knowing your source and returning there often. May you find your deepest fulfillment in He who has made you and keeps you.

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