Monday, February 1, 2016


In growing up, often our P.E. teacher would pick two captains and then let them choose the members of their team for the game we'd play. 

"Pick me! Pick me!" There is something about being chosen - being wanted - that strikes a deep need on the inside. No one wanted to be left standing until the end, as it announces to the whole class that you probably are more of a liability than an asset to the team. Ouch. 

For a moment, let's consider what it would be like to be the first pick. Chosen. Hand-selected. Before everyone else. Eyes on you, finger pointed your direction, and a voice saying, "I want you." Everything around you fades into the distance in the light of this glorious announcement. Your heart is full - all is well - I have been picked! 

Now for a moment, let's remember that it has already happened. 

God chose us to be in relationship with Him before He laid out plans for this world... destined us to be adopted as children... this was his pleasure. Ephesians 1:4-6

Before the mountains were fashioned, the oceans were laid out, and any other idea for this world conceived, God had his eyes on you and said - "I want you." He planned for you in love and it gave him great enjoyment. 

Living your best life is rooted in the assurance of being chosen by God. Nothing you did to earn or deserve it and no person or circumstance or diagnosis can take from you. May you feel his delight in you today and every day. You are handpicked and chosen by him. 

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