Monday, February 15, 2016

Enjoy the View

I remember being a young girl and looking out the different windows in our old farmhouse. My bedroom looked out at the biggest oak tree with the tire swing in it. The living room picture window was the best view on the gorgeous peony bushes as they bloomed in the summer. And one of the favorites places was standing in the kitchen doing the dishes and watching a good snow or rain storm swirl in. 

There is something almost magical about looking out a window. It's a place of watchful rest and beholding what the world gives you. There is nothing you can do to make something appear or change outside that window. It simply is.   

There are also windows we are given in life. New views and perspectives. Opportunities and beauty. Things we don't earn or deserve. They simply come to us. 

Living your best life includes a good seat at the window, delighting in what has been given.     

Be free to be with what you see for now, knowing that this is not the whole of what you will ever see; nor does it need to be.  It is what it is for now and it is enough.

Enjoy the view.

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